W.A's World-Class 963km Walk
- The Friends of the
Bibbulmun Track - A detailed page about the 'Friends',
why the friends need you, member benefits and a cost table
for joining.
- Bibbulmun Track
- Distances from Northern Terminus - First released
by the Friends: A Detailed listing of distances between
points along the track, (measured from the northern end).
- Bibbulmun
Track Accommodation and Services Guide - A guide, published
by the Friends, offering alternative accommodation and services
but still close to the track. The listing covers: Kalamunda
/ Mundaring, Dwellingup
/ Pinjarra, Collie,
Mumballup, Balingup,
Nannup / Bridgetown,
Donnelly River /
Manjimup, Pemberton,
Walpole, Nornalup
/ Peaceful Bay / Tingledale, Denmark,
Young's Siding / Torbay
/ Lowlands Beach, and Albany
- Bibbulmun Track
Transport Agents and Tour Operators - A useful listing
for those with little time or less energy. As arranged by
the Friends.
- The
Friends of the Bibbulmun Track - (Off-site)
The Friends' page. Contains info. on events, walkers' notice
board, accommodation & services and the latest news. - Sponsored
by AlphaWest.
History |
First conceived
in the 1970's, this innovative track has survived many changes,
Governments, users and care-takers but it's driving force
has remained the same-to encourage people to `go bush' and
discover the natural wonders of WA's south-west.
The dream was finally
realised in September 1998 with the opening of the `new' Bibbulmun
Track following a major upgrade, realignment and extension
of the old track.
The Track is named
after an Aboriginal group from an area in the vicinity of
Albany. Although its route does not follow their traditional
pathways, as you walk on the Track you may well become attuned
to the spirit of the Bibbulmun who journeyed on foot over
long distances to care for and to celebrate their land.
New Bibbulmun Track |
Opened on September
13th, 1998, the newly aligned, upgraded and extended Bibbulmun
Track is one of the world's great long distance walk trails,
stretching 963.1kms from Kalamunda
to Albany (map) through the heart of the scenic South
West of Western Australia. Distances
along the track are available here.
Facilities |
There are 48 shelters
along the Track, which are never more than a day's walk apart.
In the Northern section between Kalamunda and Albany, they
are only 10 kms apart, while further south they average 20
kms apart. Great maps and guides detail sections suitable
for walkers of all levels of experience -- or join our hardy
band of End-to-Enders and go the whole way!
As well
as a 3-sided timber shelter, each campsite has a sit-down
pit toilet, rainwater tank, picnic table and tent sites. In
addition most have a fireplace except the Yourdamung and Blackwood
campsites in the North and all sites to the South and East
of the Shannon River in the South. To help preserve the environment,
use of fuel stoves for cooking is encouraged.
all track facilities are free and offered on a first come,
first served basis. However, groups of more than 8 may not
occupy a shelter before 6pm. In case the shelters are full,
all walkers are advised to take a tent or bivvy bag. Alternatively,
if you don't want to carry a full pack or camp out on the
Track, there are nine towns along the way offering a wide
range of accommodation as well as walker-friendly services
such as pick-ups and drop-offs.
Additional accommodation
can be found along the route and options are published in
a 'Guide to Accommodation & Services' by the the Friends
of the Bibbulmun Track.
Your Walk |
Planning your walk
is probably the single most important step of a hike.
Planning a Bibbulmun
Track walk must take into account the variations in weather
across the Southwest as well as transport to and from the
limited access points (indicated by a red car on the maps).
Some people simplify
their walks by going to a point such as a campsite and returning
(the Track always looks different going back!). Others stay
in B&B's near the Track where hosts provide a pick up and
drop off service. Some walkers use public transport or taxis,
and others park a car at each end of their walk.
Whatever the weather
or length of walk, always set out with good walking shoes,
protective clothing, insect repellent, sunscreen, and at least
2 litres of water per person. For mufti-day walking in the
warmer months contact the relevant CALM District Office for
an update on campsite water tank levels. (CALM officers will
also have plenty of tips and contacts for anyone planning
a walk in their area.)
There is also a
`Getting On Track' video which covers all the main topics
including equipment you may need. This video is available
for hire or sale from Ranger Camping
stores, and other leading camping retailers.
You Might Need |
Camping Online has many camping checklists to make sure
you take all that you need for a safe and enjoyable trip-
wherever you are going.
Some of Ranger's
checklists are:
Note: The
above Adobe Acrobat files offer
much higher print quality and will be faster to download.

Your Way |
Whether you want
to walk independently or with a guided tour, for an afternoon
or for 8 weeks, the Bibbulmun Track provides the opportunity
for an adventure that you'll never forget.
Regardless of age
or experience, anyone in reasonable health can discover the
joys of walking on the Track.
Although the Track
is clearly marked with gold `waugal' (mythical snake) triangles,
for safety it is important to always carry a map and know
where you are. There are 8
excellent maps and North & South guidebooks available.
Access |
Designated as a
single use trail for walkers only, it can easily be damaged
by bikes and horses. However the sections from Brookton Highway
to Brookton Campsite, and Harris River Road to Harris River
campsite and on to Caversham Road, can also be used by people
in wheelchairs.
Are The 'Friends of The Bibbulmun Track'? |
The Friends of
the Bibbulmun Track is an incorporated, not-for-profit,
community-based organisation established to provide support
for the management, maintenance and marketing of the 'new'
Bibbulmun Track. More
information about The Friends.
Whilst CALM
will continue to act as the manager of the Track, the Friends
will ensure that the Track "remains a long distance walk trail
of international significance and quality."
What we do:
Encourage community
participation, ownership and education.
Develop opportunities
for tourism, employment and training.
Advocate the
protection of natural and historical heritage values of
the Track.
Attract funds
and other resources.
Promote the
track as accessible to all!
Information about The Friends. |